Turning Point Jumps for Joy!
This weekend, Turning Point Ensemble presents “Jump for Joy”! An amazing program of works exploring the world between Jazz and Classical idioms. Turning Point has commissioned heavyweight trumpet players Brad Turner and Dave Douglas to write compositions for the ensemble, and acquired the highly honed skills of Fred Stride to arrange some music of Duke Ellington for our instrumentation. We gave the world premier of these works and arrangements last night at the Langley Community Music School and repeat the performance on Sunday night @ 8pm on the SFU Woodwards campus downtown in the Fei and Milton Wong experimental theatre. This is an unusual program for Turning Point and one that showcases members of the ensemble in a beautiful way. From Igor Stravinsky, to Duke Ellington, to Brad Turner, to Dave Douglas, and joined by the grippingly beautiful voice Jennifer Scott, this is a program of infectious vibes. For sure you’ll enjoy the clarinet playing of Francois Houle, in his element with some moments to improvise, and the trumpet playing of Tom Shorthouse who steps up to the plate for possibly the biggest trumpet event Turning Point has ever produced…